「Prettier begins paying maintainers · Prettier」

Prettier, an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript and many web languages, has been accepting donations at [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/prettier) since 2019 and thanks to many generous donations we now have \$50,000 in the bank! As a result, we are now able to pay the two active maintainers \$1,500/month each. This funding will ensure that they will be able to continue consistent maintenance of Prettier into the future.

Prettier, an opinionated code formatter for JavaScript and many web languages, has been accepting donations at [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/prettier) since 2019 and thanks to many generous donations we now have \$50,000 in the bank! As a result, we are now able to pay the two active maintainers \$1,500/month each. This funding will ensure that they will be able to continue consistent maintenance of Prettier into the future.



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2022-01-06 14:08:59
