「Rails 7.0 RC1: New JavaScript Answers, At-Work Encryption, Query Origin Logging, Zeitwerk Exclusively | Riding Rails」

We’re almost ready to declare Rails 7 done! The feedback since the first alpha release has been wonderful, we’ve eliminated a slew of issues, and we’ve seen Basecamp, HEY, GitHub, and Shopify all run in production on this alpha series. So we now feel so confident that this is nearly ready that we’re skipping straight from alpha to release candidate. This is RC1.

We’re almost ready to declare Rails 7 done! The feedback since the first alpha release has been wonderful, we’ve eliminated a slew of issues, and we’ve seen Basecamp, HEY, GitHub, and Shopify all run in production on this alpha series. So we now feel so confident that this is nearly ready that we’re skipping straight from alpha to release candidate. This is RC1.



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2021-12-07 14:08:03
