「The state of managing state (with Compose) | Cash App Code Blog」

Five years ago the Cash App Android client started splitting our UI rendering and UI presenter responsibilities into distinct types. We had leaned into RxJava heavily in the years prior, and it became very effective in facilitating this split. I ended up giving a fun talk, “The State of Managing State with RxJava”, where I refactored then-common (anti?)patterns in RxJava to an architecture similar to where we were moving.

Five years ago the Cash App Android client started splitting our UI rendering and UI presenter responsibilities into distinct types. We had leaned into RxJava heavily in the years prior, and it became very effective in facilitating this split. I ended up giving a fun talk, “The State of Managing State with RxJava”, where I refactored then-common (anti?)patterns in RxJava to an architecture similar to where we were moving.



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