「メモ:Exactly-once semanticsとKafkaとAWS Lambda - まつざっきブログ」

OSDIで行われた以下の発表の資料を読んでいて、「Exactly-once semanticsってなんだっけ?」と疑問に思い、調べたことのメモ。 "Fault-tolerant and transactional stateful serverless workflows" https://t.co/i4L2jLYIlQ from Zhang et al was a good read. Stateful serverless is a great research area, and this is a smart approach to some aspects of the proble…

OSDIで行われた以下の発表の資料を読んでいて、「Exactly-once semanticsってなんだっけ?」と疑問に思い、調べたことのメモ。 "Fault-tolerant and transactional stateful serverless workflows" https://t.co/i4L2jLYIlQ from Zhang et al was a good read. Stateful serverless is a great research area, and this is a smart approach to some aspects of the proble…



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