「Polly Want A Message (DeconstructConf) - Speaker Deck」

Object-oriented languages have opinions about how best to arrange code.  These opinions lead OO to naturally offer certain _affordances_.  Just as round doorknobs expect to be grasped and rotated, OO expects messages, polymorphism, loose-coupling and factories.  The key to creating intuitive and maintainable OO applications is to understand and embrace these built-in affordances.

Object-oriented languages have opinions about how best to arrange code. These opinions lead OO to naturally offer certain _affordances_. Just as round doorknobs expect to be grasped and rotated, OO expects messages, polymorphism, loose-coupling and factories. The key to creating intuitive and maintainable OO applications is to understand and embrace these built-in affordances.



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2022-05-06 08:01:00
