「Attacking and Securing CI/CD Pipeline - Speaker Deck」
Attacking and Securing CI/CD Pipeline - Date: Oct 20th, 2021 - Place: CODE BLUE 2021 OpenTalks at Tokyo - Presenter: Hiroki SUEZAWA (https://www.suezawa.net) I also published ATT&CK-like Threat Matrix for CI/CD Pipeline on GitHub https://github.com/rung/threat-matrix-cicd Presentation: With the popularization of Dev(Sec)Ops, CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Delivery) is becoming more and more common in modern application development and infrastructure management. On the other hand, the security of the CI/CD environment itself has not been focused on as much as it should be from security perspective. In 2021, Mercari have been affected by a supply chain attack caused by the use of CodeCov, which allowed an intrusion into the CI/CD environment. The purpose of this presentation is to share a comprehensive summary of both the attack methods often used against CI/CD environments and our experience in securing Mercari's CI/CD infrastructure. While we acquired most of this knowledge the hard way -- through direct incident response, we hope that our experience will be useful to anyone trying to proactively improve the security posture of their CI/CD infrastructure.
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2021-10-20 20:04:01